1. Electricity - Fact: Only 20% of the energy produced by traditional light bulbs is light. The remaining 80% is heat. This statistic is enough to get you running to your switchboard. The heat produced by these light bulbs also increases the usage of fans and air conditioners. You can switch to the newer technologies of LED bulbs, which are energy efficient, long-lasting, and economical. They can help reduce up to 65% of the electricity used. With the integration of LED bulbs, you can also expect a drop in the usage of cooling devices.
2. Paint - The quality of the paint used in a home has a drastic effect on the health of the inhabitants. These paints contain harmful compounds that are release into the air over time. Low-grade paints increase the toxicity of your internal environment. This causes several diseases and onset of allergic reactions. Look for water-based paints, or those that do not contain any volatile organic compounds. Higher quality paint lasts much longer, and does not require as many coats. In the long run, high quality paint will bring you higher returns on your investment.
3. Water - Water conservation is of prime importance. We are all aware that we should turn off all water sources when not in use or in between uses. For example, when shaving or brushing your teeth, you must shut the tap off. The next step to conserving water is to install a low-flow toilet. This toilet uses lesser amount of water in every flush while providing good results. Up to 15 liters of water per flush cycle will be saved in installing this toilet. You can also use a faucet aerator to reduce water consumption. These devices are externally fit onto a tap to provide a mixture of water and air. This provides a strong stream of water while using lesser amount of water, does not splash, and is gentle. An estimated reduction of 50% water consumption is expected with the help of faucet aerators.
You can even consider using organic fibers for your curtains and other materials used in the house. Insulating your windows will assist in keeping the internal environment of your home at an optimum temperature. You can even consider installing solar panels to heat your water. There are many more methods of making your home more environmentally friendly. The steps mentioned above will provide long-term monetary benefits. They will also safeguard the health of your family.
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